Архив тега » far «


изд Просвещение 1970г

On far-off days*- Английская сказка

Воскресенье, 13 Ноября 2011 г. 16:41 (ссылка)

изд Просвещение 1970г перевела Катя 2011г.

On far-off days when roads were stony

Man travelled round on Shanks»s pony.

This proved too slow and so, of corse,

He learned to mount and use a horse.

Not satisfied, creative brains

Invented steam and so the trains.

Motor-cars were next on view,

Electric trains and tub trains too.

And then to everyone»s surprise

Aircraft climbed up the skies.

When man demanded greater speed,

Planes with jets supplied the need. Подробнее…