Заходи в лес Came to the woods
Английские сказка *English in pictures — A tame animal* для изучающих английский язык 1972 изд. Ленинград Автор перевода на русский язык: Катя переведено в 2011 году
The cow is a tame animal. The cow
gives us milk. The cow eats grass and
clover. Moo is the cry of a cow.
The dog said bark, bark.
Take me to the park.
The cow said moo, moo,
I am a cow. What are you?
The horse said ha, ha,
There is my ma, and there is my pa.
A rabbit is a small animal. It lives under
the ground in a home called a burrow.
Rabbits like to eat vegetebles in the garden.
Корова живет у соседа. Подробнее…
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